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Elements Quality Guarantee

We take pride in offering the highest quality shrink wrap installation services in the industry. When you commission an Elements Shrink Wrap containment or cover you can rest assured that all reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that your shrink wrap will have the greatest chance of surviving the duration of your project. Elements will not cut corners when it comes to quality, and will not do the bare minimum just to undercut the competition.

What makes Elements an industry leader is our commitment to doing the job right and our promise to stand behind our product for the duration of your project. Each Elements job is done right and we do the little extras that ensure the security and longevity of our product.

One of the things Elements provides is two webbings at every attachment point MINIMUM. Through the years we have had the opportunity to test a number of webbing configurations to determine the strongest set up. If you only install a single run of webbing, even over a short span, you are putting all your eggs in one basket. It is easy to weaken webbing during the shrink install process due to heat or abrasion and relying on a single tie of webbing is risky and cutting corners. One run of webbing suffers more strain from higher winds and has a higher risk of breaking. With a minimum of two ties, you have that extra insurance not only from damage, but with extra strength over the life of the shrink. Sometimes a single failed webbing can lead to complete failure of the shrink system.


Single-Tie MethodElements Double-Tie Method 







 Elements will also ensure that all critical seams and flaps are taped to prevent leaks and potential damage to your project. This includes taping roof seams in covers, wall and roof seams in containments and all flap seams. Roof seam taping adds an extra layer of protection from water ingress while wall seam taping helps keep contaminants from escaping. Flap seam taping helps prevent  the flaps from peeling back over time which could lead to shrink coming loose prematurely. 

                                                   Roof Seams


Gaps and holes may form at seams when no tape is usedElements roof seam with tape prevents leaking








      Flap Seams 


Without tape, seams begin to peelElements flap seam with tape prevents peeling






Elements takes great pride in providing these simple extras ensuring the highest quality shrink wrap install available to the customer.  This attention to detail and not cutting corners will save you money in the long run and help keep you on schedule.